Yellow dock is popping up in my part of the world! I’m ecstatic to see that spring is on its way. It will likely snow several more times before the end of May, but fruit trees are budding – some even blooming – and the greens of dandelion, yarrow, plantain, and yellow dock are beginning to show themselves. I find myself coming to life as the plants yawn and stretch, all of us emerging visibly for another season. It’s a unique joy, seeing old friends suddenly reappear along familiar pathways.
Rumex crispus – yellow dock.
Family: Polygonaceae (with rhubarb, Japanese knotweed, and buckwheat)
Parts Used: Root
Ideal Preparation: DRY root tincture, syrup
Ecological Status: A wild and abundant weed
Dosage: 30-60 drops before meals (tincture), syrup dosage with recipe below
Specific Indications & Therapeutic Use:
1. Skin issues (pair with Burdock)
This humble weed is considered an alterative – meaning it alters the quality of, or “cleanses” the blood. Its bitter action also stimulates digestive secretions, and is in turn helpful in cleansing the liver. For those reasons, yellow dock is ideally suited for chronic or sluggish skin disorders, including eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
2. Constipation (a non-stimulant)
By stimulating digestive secretions – particularly the secretion of bile – yellow dock stimulates better peristaltic activity. Peristalsis is a series of wave-like muscle contractions that moves food to different processing stations in the digestive tract. Yellow dock can be used safely on a regular basis for constipation because it encourages the whole digestive system to work more effectively, rather than irritating tissues in a stimulant fashion.
3. Improved digestion of fats
Yellow Dock’s holistic encouragement of the gastrointestinal system makes it well-suited for other aspects of digestion as well. When the gall bladder secretes bile effectively, fats are digested more efficiently. This is relevant for those who experience poor digestion of fatty foods; particularly meat and dairy products. Dandelion is a better fit for those without gallbladders.
4. Iron deficiency/ anemia
Some people are deficient in iron because they don’t get enough, while others simply fail to release and absorb it properly. Yellow dock doesn’t actually contain a lot of iron, but increases uptake of dietary iron and helps release iron from storage in the liver and small intestine.
Safety Issues & Contraindications:
High doses can have a laxative effect. Also note that the root MUST BE DRY – if it is not completely dried before being tinctured or made into syrup, it WILL have a laxative effect (even at normal dosage).

Yellow Dock Iron-Clad Syrup
Water (4x volume of the below herb mixture)
3 parts yellow dock
2 parts dandelion root
2 parts nettles
2 parts alfalfa
1 part hawthorn berry or rosehips
blackstrap molasses
1. Decoct (simmer) yellow dock, dandelion root & hawthorn berries (or rosehips) in water for 20 minutes with lid on
2. Strain out herbs and simmer over low heat, uncovered until decoction total is about half of original volume
3. Turn off the heat, add nettles & alfalfa. Let steep for 1 hour.
5. Warm until well blended
6. Cool, bottle, label, refrigerate, and enjoy!
Dosage is 4-6 tablespoons 1-2x daily for an adult. Dosage for children is 1 teaspoon 1-2x daily in water, diluted juice or directly in the mouth.
What’s your favorite thing about spring? Comment below about your favorite springtime plant allies!
dani O.
Love this little blog post! Thank you
Hey there, thanks for the post! I was wondering if you had any resources or an explanation as to why yellow dock needs to be completely dried before tincturing? I’m curious as I’ve just never heard that and can’t find any info on it!
I learned about Yellow Dock from Shelley Torgove, who was my teacher for many years. The reason for drying completely is that it allows for the oxidation of anthraquinone glycosides. As it’s been explained to me, anthraquinone glycosides are the main purgative component of this plant and fresh root can be excessively stimulating in that respect. Fresh root is much more likely to cause nausea, and is more aggressively laxative. David Hoffman alludes to the purgative quality of anthraquinone glycosides in Medical Herbalism (pp. 578-579), as does Thomas J. Elpel in Botany in A Day (pg. 113).
I hope this helps!
dani O.